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My name is Elisabetta Iannone, I am a young aspiring artist and storyteller. I was born in Italy but have lived in Bristol since February 2017.
In these years I have improved my English and started studying Interactive Media and Design. I finished the first year with distinction and I'm currently continuing the second year.
I have had a passion for video games since I was a child, and once in England, I had the opportunity to study what I am most passionate about. Even in my free time, I try to improve my style by drawing characters and backgrounds. I mainly using Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator, create stories using mainly Ren’Py and Twine as well as participating in some Jams on Itch.Io.
Personally, the part of video games that I have always enjoyed is the visual part of the player, whether it is a simple menu or one of the main characters. I have always been particularly inspired by the gothic and pastel goth styles even in storytelling. I am convinced that although the visual part is well-curated if the story is not compelling, the video game suffers and loses potential.
My latest projects are visual novels because I feel I can express myself at best and this gives me the opportunity to improve my skills.
In my work experience, I worked for an independent charity in the technology industry that teaches children about coding. In the role, I created characters and landscapes in vector so that they could use them for their own projects. This helped me develop a style that is completely different from mine.
I invite you to take a look at my work, I hope you like it!

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